Friday, October 21, 2011

Start of Road Trip 2011

For this road trip has been in the making for well over one year, and yet almost for 25 years, Let me explain.  Soon after I started driving, or should I say legally driving when I was 16, I began to imagine jumping in the car one day and heading for the west coast.  Well, as many things in life, time, money, work, and other obligations, I simply never found the time, or made the time to make such a trip. 
Fast forward about 20 years when I started riding and suddenly travel to distant places is the norm.  For a few years taking smaller trips, under 4k miles week trips was just sorta setting the stage for what would now become "the Trip of 2011"

Planning:  Talk to the vacation lady at work, ask for approval for two weeks vacation.  Simple, she was excited for me to be able to take my trip.  Cool....   Next, find locations around the lower 48 that were interesting enough to ride too, take a picture, (read that as, take a picture and a break) and see something you've only heard about, seen on T.V. or just lucked up and found while search other locations.

Reading Ride reports on ADV of course gives you plenty of ideas of what you can see in this country, you see others riding around Moab, UT or some other place and you just make mental notes that you'd like to see that someday.

Route Planning:  Google maps is my friend.  Search for what your looking for, click directions here via this road and voila.  Sorta that simple, but I had more than one or two locations.  The objective of my two week vacation and heading towards the west coast was see mostly things that you need the two weeks for to see.  In other words,  there would be no stops or sightseeing for the 1st two days, or the last two days.  These days would be used for munching miles on the interstate.   Key Sites that were on the list from the beginning.
  1. Badlands National Park
  2. Mt Rushmore
  3. Crazy Horse
  4. Yellowstone National Park
  5. Pacific Coast Hwy
  6. Las Vegas
  7. Grand Canyon National Park
Short List huh?  well,  I am not one to rush from these sights alone,  so my search began for other interesting locations between these, or slightly off route that still gave me time to see the others.
I won't bore you with all the details of finding spots, but google image is a good tool.   searching "top things to see in X state" works well too.   Once you find your spots, of course that is just the beginning, I was interested in hours of operation, any fees, and was it fair.   Also, the more spots you find, you are forced to decide which ones are on the "DO LIST" and weed out the "not worth it" list.  Of course over time I would change my list a countless amount and would work on the list, and the route until two days before leaving for this trip on October 1st 2011.

The Who:  Well there is a lot to this part, I originally planned this trip as a solo ride, as I would have done if no others were so inclined to come with, and the who did change a few times, for various hot headed and stubborn reasons, But in the end George, who I have ridden more miles with than anyone called to inquire about this trip, so with a little movement in the planned dates it was now set for Oct. 1st  (oh, this could be cold, and snow could be an issue)

The List as set out on 10-1-11
  1. Be in Kansas City Day One. 1034 miles via Louisville, Ky
  2. Dunning, NE
  3. Badlands
  4. Wall Drug
  5. Iron Mountain Rd.
  6. Mt Rushmore
  7. Crazy Horse
  8. DeadWood, SD
  9. Sturgis, SD
  10. Hells Angels Clubhouse
  11. Wild Bill Grave site
  12. Yellowstone NP
  13. Grand Teton NP
  14. Bonneville Salt Flats
  15. Loneliest Hwy in America Route 50 across Nevada
  16. Reno, NV
  17. Tioga Hwy
  18. Yosemite NP
  19. Folsom Prison
  20. Redwood Forest
  21. Pacific Coast hwy
  22. Golden Gate Bridge
  23. Alcatraz Prison
  24. Twin Peaks in SF
  25. Wyatt Earp Grave
  26. James Dean Memorial
  27. James Dean Crash Site
  28. Karate Kid Apartment
  29. Karate Kid movie Ali's house
  30. Karate Kid Cobra Kai Dojo
  31. Hollywood Sign
  32. Griffith Observatory (Rebel without a cause Movie filmed here) also overlooks LA
  33. Ronald Regan Library
  34. Death Valley NP
  35. Las Vegas Welcome Sign
  36. Hoover Dam
  37. Grand Canyon NP South Rim
  38. Grand Canyon NP North Rim
  39. Glen Canyon Dam/bridge
  40. Forest Gump spot on Utah from the movie where he stopped running 
  41. Hole 'n the Rock
  42. Moab, Utah
  43. Arches NP
  44. Royal Gorge Bridge
  45. Pikes Peak
I may have missed something, but that was the general list we sat out with in the beginning.  As you follow along, You'll notice if anything was missed or not.

Packing:  Packing for a car trip is so much simpler, a bike trip, you need to be able to carry only what you need, and not anything you can live without.  You have to prep your bike, install new tires, oil changes check everything over, pack a tool kit, rain suit, in this case, warm weather gear, mild weather gear, hot weather gear, clothes, camera, computer, batteries, chargers, hydration pack and the list goes on.  It seems the weeks before the trip I was ordering or buying new things constantly.  But this was my first trip on this motorcycle and a learning curve was in place.

Finally Packed and Ready to Roll..............

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