Maybe it's my winning personality, or my boyish good looks, but whatever the case, Last night I asked Misty to marry me and she said YES ! ! ! I'm not sure when, I got my part out of the way, now it's on Misty to take care of the rest... I'm kidding, but I don't have any further details as of now. I am one happy camper, the love of my life said YES ! ! !
Below is what I said to her, thought you folks would be interested.... I am no writer and yes I know some things are out of place and so forth, so no critics please.... remember, she said YES ! ! !
When we met in High School, I knew there was something I liked about you. You had my attention long before you knew me. Your gorgeous face, beautiful body and a winning smile was all I could think about. Once we started hanging out, and we got to know each other, I knew I wanted more, than to be just friends.
Over the past many years, you have always had a special place in my heart, I countless times would imagine what if…..and think, you were the one I let get away…. Life took us both down different paths, but has led us back together. Your sense of adventure, open mindedness to new things, your hard work ethic, dedication to family, your true sense of love….are all things I value about you, And I want you more now than ever… and know I want you to be mine forever.
I feel like I have a partner in life. Someone who genuially cares about me, someone to remind me of how un-important the little things are in life and tomorrow is truly a new day. I feel like you are interested in my well being as your own. I want to be there for you, during the good times and bad, I want to take care of you, to know you are always ok, to be sweet to you, and do those special things that simply say, “I love you” I feel we have been growing together in an effort to better each other.
Your patients, understanding, dedication, humor, giving, un-selfishness, and your outlook on life are a few more things I cherish about you and wish to be more like you.
I love the way you look at me, sparkle in your eyes when I see you each morning or after a day of work.
I love how I feel when we are together
I love doing things for you
I love the smell of your hair
I love your smile
I love how you can get me to talk in tuff times
I love that you want to spend your time with me
I love you because you let me be me
I love you because you take care of me
I love you because I am my best when I’m with you, even tho you know me at my worst
I love you because without words we still understand each other
I love you because you don’t look down at me, you understand my struggles and help uplift me
I love you simply, because you are you……..
We both want to be secure, not relying on a weekly check to be able to survive. we both enjoy going and exploring new things. We talk over problems, and work thru them together. One of us wants something, we talk about how to accomplish it. We both want eternal life with Christ our Savior, and for these reasons and many more is why I hope you’ll spend the rest of your life with me, Will you marry me ???????????
1 comment:
Just happened to surf your blog. This post was so sweet!
Congrats on getting your girl.
May you both live and long and happy life! =)
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