Monday, February 2, 2009

Sunday Ride

Out for another Sunday Ride, Rick and I planned to met up again in Pelion, SC and head out. I left out of Columbia a little before 1pm and stopped for gas and went ahead and went to the meeting place and knew i'd be early, thinking ahead i just keep riding past the meeting point and noticed I was heading right for Rick's House. For some reason I can't ever remember how to get to Rick's place, I know you turn on hwy 113 and then somewhere there is a left. Well I missed the left (again) and just rode around for a bit. It didn't really matter that I missed Rick's Place, I was looking to put miles on the Scoot and only went towards Rick's figuring I could get in some extra miles if "we" rode back to the original spot together. If I really need to get to Rick's I do carry my GPS, so as you can tell, there was no real need to get there. Anyway, it was getting close to the meeting time, so i jetted back up to Pilion, filled my tank (1.39 gals) again as I had already been 63.3 miles and wanted a full tank as I figured Rick and I would at least turn 150 miles and didn't want to have to stop for gas again. I get around 45 mpg if you didn't want to take the time to figure that out and the Scoot holds 4 gals. When the light starts to flash I go ahead and fill up, and not until yesterday have i ever put more than 3 gals in, but yesterday morning I put in 3.34 gals.

This week we headed towards Orangeburg via hwy 178 then down hwy 21 over to hwy 321. These were some good roads without much traffic. Bout half way we stopped at this Hardees for a quick burger and some sippage. With the temps above 60 degrees I again opted for an icey Coke, but again that proved to be the wrong choice, as It felt like the temp dropped about 20 degrees. I just don't care for coffee and I don't think Hardees sells Hot Coco. Anyway, home by 5:30 or so with 191 miles for the afternoon.

Next weekend is looking good for another ride.........

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